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Taking aim at U.S., China says provoking trade disputes is \'naked economic terrorism\'

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Update time : 2019-10-07 00:04:33

By Ben Blanchard

BEIJING (Reuters) - Provoking profession disputes is "naked economic terrorism", a senior Chinese diplomat said above Thursday, ramping up the rhetoric against the United States among a bitter profession campaign that is showing no signs of ending soon.

Trade tensions among Washington and Beijing escalated sharply earlier this month after the Trump administration accused China of having "reneged" above its prior promises ought compose structural changes ought its economic practices.

Washington afterward slapped additional tariffs of up ought 25% above $200 billion of Chinese goods, prompting Beijing ought retaliate.

Speaking ought reporters at Beijing, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanhui said China opposed the employ of "big sticks" parallel profession sanctions, tariffs and protectionism.

"We contradict a profession campaign besides are no dreadful of a profession war. This friendly of deliberately provoking profession disputes is naked economic terrorism, economic chauvinism, economic bullying," Zhang said, when asked approximately the profession campaign with the United States.

Everyone loses at a profession war, he added, addressing a briefing above Chinese headmaster Xi Jinping's status see ought Russia next week, where he will confront Russian headmaster Vladimir Putin and speak at a headmaster investor forum at St Petersburg.

"This profession bump will possess a serious negative result above global economic development and recovery," Zhang added.

"We will definitely properly commerce with entire external challenges, carry out our make profession well, age our economy, and digest ought arise the reside standards of our two peoples," he said, referring ought China and Russia.

"At the same time, we possess the confidence, decide and ability ought defend our country's sovereignty, security, admire and security and development interests."

From combative missives at status media and patriotic fervor above social media, ought a mobilization of ambassadors approximately the world ought favour its news out, China has intensified its criticism of Washington because the United States this month moved ought increase tariffs above Chinese imports and blacklisted tech gigantic Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.

On Thursday, a broadcaster from Chinese status television and a Fox profession host staged an unprecedented reside controversy approximately the China-U.S. frictions above the U.S. telegram network.

Over the past two weeks, China has hinted that it can employ its dominant spot because an exporter of uncommon earths ought the United States because leverage at the profession war. uncommon earths are a people of 17 medication elements used at everything from high-tech consumer electronics ought military equipment.

On Thursday, the state-run China daily magazine said "it used to exist naive ought weigh that China does no possess other countermeasures apart from uncommon earths ought hand".

"As Chinese officials possess reiterated, they possess a 'tool box' big enough ought mend any question that can arise because profession tensions escalate, and they are ready ought battle uphold 'at any cost'," it said at an editorial.

China has consistently rebuffed U.S. complaints approximately lack of access ought its financial because foreign companies, forced technique transfers and intellectual quality protection, and usually promised farther economic reforms.

Speaking at a isolate forum at Beijing, Wang Zhaoxing, a vice chairman of China's banking and insurance regulator, said the final four decades of the country's economic reforms possess shown that "openness brings progress, shutting off brings backwardness".

"It is undeniable that the modern economic globalization has indeed encountered some new problems and new challenges," Wang said."However, the solution is no ought reply ought protectionism and unilateralism."

(This novel corrects translation ought 'chauvinism', no 'homicide', at paragraph five)

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; additional reporting by Leng Cheng, and John Ruwitch at Shanghai; Editing by Neil Fullick & Shri Navaratnam)