This wikiHow teaches you how ought create an MP3 player safe ought avail cabin swimming or performing activities can bad weather. The easiest manner ought waterproof an MP3 player is by using a waterproof bag with a headphone jack installed, though you can either avail a normal waterproof bag if you read waterproof Bluetooth headphones and an MP3 player which supports Bluetooth. if sum else fails, you can expectation ought buy a professionally waterproofed MP3 player.
1. Using a waterproof case
1) buy the exact friendly of waterproof case. if you expectation ought exist capable ought avail your MP3 player cabin submerged or can moist conditions, the bag will shortage a built-in headphone jack.
- If you simply shortage a waterproof container can which ought department your MP3 player, a normal waterproof elastic bag (or flat a Ziploc bag) will exist fine.
2) buy waterproof headphones if necessary. Again, if you plot above listening ought your MP3 player cabin underwater (or similar), you'll shortage a spot of waterproof headphones ought progress with it.
- You can frequently discover IPX7-standard headphones, which to exist usable underwater because extended periods of time, can tech departments or online.
3) lay your MP3 player can the instance and blend the built-in headphone jack. This headphone jack to plug direct into your MP3 player's normal headphone jack.
4) shift any attitude pockets from the bag. This will both prevent the bag from floating and soothe any interior stress above the bag's seal.
5) Seal the bag. This process will modify depending above the bag itself. It's significant ought oath that the seal is watertight, consequently negotiate the bag's manual or instructions if you're confused.
6) blend the waterproof headphones ought the exterior headphone jack. This jack to poke out from the bag, consequently plug the 3.5 millimeter jack above the purpose of the headphones into it.
7) examination the MP3 player cabin it's dry. Once you immerse the MP3 player, the changes you'll exist capable ought create will exist quite restricted, consequently create certain that your headphones are connected, your MP3 player is above and running, and your bag is sealed.
- It's either good ought examination the MP3 player setup underwater immediately; if it turns out that your headphones, the bag, and/or the MP3 player malfunction due ought water damage, you can exist capable ought application a refund.
2. Using Bluetooth
1) learn when ought avail this method. if you expectation ought avail your smartphone, iPod Touch, or a alike item though your MP3 player, you can exist capable ought construct a unite of waterproof Bluetooth headphones with your MP3 player.
- If you read a traditional MP3 player (e.g., an iPod Shuffle or Nano, a Zune, a SanDisk, etc.), you cannot avail this method.
2) buy a spot of waterproof Bluetooth headphones. The Wavetooth headset is a common alternative because underwater recreation, besides you can exist capable ought discover a various unite can your preferred tech department or online outlet.
3) unite your headphones with your MP3 player. Typically, this will entail turning above your headphones, turning above your MP3 player's Bluetooth, pressing the "Pair" button above your headphones, and selecting them can the MP3 player's Bluetooth menu:
iPhone or iPod - empty Settings, tap Bluetooth, enable Bluetooth if it's off, and tap your headphones' name.
Android - Swipe down from the sumit of the screen, long-press the Bluetooth icon until it opens ought the Bluetooth menu, enable Bluetooth if it's off, and tap your headphones' name.
4) reckon leaving your MP3 player above land. though most Bluetooth connections can attitude distances of nearly 30 feet, you don't necessarily shortage ought bring your MP3 player into a pool or body of water with you.
5) avail a waterproof bag ought include your MP3 player. if you get ought acknowledge your MP3 player into the water with you, using a waterproof bag will retain it safe; impartial create certain that the bag is sealed and free of attitude pockets.
3. Buying a Waterproof MP3 Player
1) decide your MP3 player's capital purpose. if you plot above using your MP3 player because swimming laps or diving, you'll shortage a better-proofed player than if you simply plot above using the MP3 player cabin working can rainy or wet conditions.
- MP3 players which are waterproofed because extensive underwater avail are expensiveâthere's no getting nearly that.
2) pattern out which kind of manufacture ought buy. The waterproofed iPod Shuffle is the most common (and expensive) option, besides few other companies create waterproof MP3 players, consequently construct a salary hill and publication your options.
- The MP3 player that you elect is frequently contingent above the kind of computer you use, though some cheaper non-Apple MP3 players won't synchronize with Mac computers.
- Any computer can avail iTunes, consequently you can easily avail an iPod Shuffle flat if you read a non-Mac computer.
3) know where ought look. Waterproof MP3 players aren't commonly construct can criterion department departments, besides you can exist capable ought discover a select of waterproof MP3 players can tech-oriented stores such though Best Buy, RadioShack, and some Walmarts.
- You can either discover waterproof MP3 players online can places parallel Amazon and eBay, with the added entertain that you can frequently visit what other consumers read ought say nearly the product.
4) create certain that your MP3 player fits the right standard. The waterproof criterion by which most swimming device to exist judged is IPX8 or higher; if your MP3 player falls under this criterion (e.g., IPX7 or lower), it won't likely exist capable ought situate up ought more than a little minutes of submersion.
- If you sole plot above using your MP3 player can moist outdoor conditions (but no submerged conditions), standards such though IPX5, IPX6, and IPX7 will likely fulfill the trick.
5) create certain that waterproof headphones are included. though you force expect, criterion headphones won't work underwater. Most waterproof MP3 players fulfill bring with proprietary headphones included.
- Waterproof headphones to retain some friendly of loop which goes nearly your ear can bid ought retain the MP3 player anchored.
- If you can't discover an MP3 player which includes waterproof headphones, you can discover waterproof headphones both can tech stores and online. if you're can a store, reckon asking a rep because their recommendation.
6) buy a warranty if necessary. specially when shopping can an in-store location, it's best ought buy can least a 6-month warranty can instance your MP3 player fills up with water and needs ought exist replaced.
7) examination your MP3 player underwater. It's best ought fulfill this instantly backward purchasing/receiving the MP3 player, though you're most likely ought both read the receipts and exist protected by a warranty. if your MP3 player factory ought your expectations, you're sum set.
- If your MP3 player falters or doesn't bring a sign well, your issue can situate with the headphones.
- If your MP3 player simply doesn't work underwater (even cabin fully charged), acknowledge or ship backward the player because a refund.