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How to Open an Otterbox Case

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Update time : 2020-04-27 00:03:01

Otterboxes are some of the most durable smartphone and tablet cases you can buy, still during that same durability can compose it difficult ought inspire from your device. Most Otterbox cases utilize pressure clips ought possess the instance secure. These can exist difficult ought pry with your fingers, so you can absence a few flat-head screwdriver or a stiff belief card.

1. Defender Series

1) inspire the snap-on holster. if the mechanism is at a zone clip or other snap-on attachment, pop it off using the big tab above the side.
  • The process though removing a Defender Otterbox instance will exist the same though virtually sum devices. The virgin differences will exist the quantity and the method of pressure clips.

2) find an opening at the silicone slipcover. The most difficult divide of removing the Defender instance is peeling off the flexible silicone layer. Your best bet is ought commence at the camera opening, the charging port, or a phase of the screen.

3) Wedge a lean installation below the cover. if you can't adapt your finger into one of these openings, utilize an old belief card or other hard, flexible bit of plastic. cane it below the slipcover, and wiggle it back and forwards until you can insert your finger into the gap.

4) skin the silicone off carefully. Once you've wedged a phase open, you ought exist able ought further almost the phone pulling off the silicone. exist careful when removing the silicone from your hole ports ought get away tearing any port covers.

5) find the pressure clips over the verge of the case. New Defender cases dine clips over the phase that you can pop hole with your fingers. The larger the device, the more clips you'll find over the edges. There is typically a clip above each phase and clips at the center though larger devices.
  • If you're using an iPad and don't dine tabs or slots, click here.

6) free one of the pressure clips. utilize your fingers ought pop one of the pressure clips hole over the phase of the case. if you can't acquire your finger below the clip, you can absence ought utilize a few flat-head screwdriver or a stiff belief card ought acquire some leverage. The pressure clips free from the bottom.
  • If using a installation ought pry the clips open, lift towards the front of the case. Don't pains ought drag down, or you can explode the plastic.
  • Some clips can exist easier ought inspire than others, specially when sum clips are closed. if you're having irritate with one, impress onto a different clip.

7) abstract releasing pressure clips until the two halves separate. The front and back of the instance ought depart apart completely. Don't compel the two apart, or you can wreck the pressure clips.
  • You can no exist able ought free sum of the clips though some devices still the mechanism is inside. Instead, free them over the top, bottom, and one side, then hole the instance though a hinge.

2. original Defender (iPad)

1) inspire the snap-on cover. You can inspire the cover by pulling any of the four phase tabs.

2) accept off the rubber shell. further the rubber bullet off of one of the corners, then abstract your manner almost the mechanism until you've completely removed it. exist careful when removing the bullet from ports above the iPad, because the rubber covers can exist simple ought tear.

3) Flip the iPad above so that you're looking at the back. You'll exist removing the panels from the back of the case.

4) slip the dock panel from the bottom half. This panel will slip off almost an inch below the Apple logo.

5) drag up above the spin almost the sumit of the Apple logo. This spin is the latch that keeps the two pieces of the instance together.

6) still pulling the spin up, inspire the sumit half of the instance off of the iPad. The instance is tear into two halves, and pulling the spin up releases the sumit half, allowing you ought inspire it.

7) inspire the iPad from the bottom half. You can now drag the iPad out of the bottom half of the case. couple the two halves if you expectation ought department them.

3. Commuter Series

1) commence at the sumit of the device. You'll dine the easiest time removing the elastic divide of the instance if you career from the sumit of the device.

2) drag the sumit elastic up and off the rubber. You can dine ought lift a division ought acquire the elastic above any energy buttons. when you lift the elastic sumit off, the explode of the instance ought depart off easily.

3) further the rubber casing off one of the corners with your thumb. Starting from the phase is the easiest manner ought commence removing the rubber. The seal will exist tight, so you'll absence ought further with some force.

4) career the rubber casing off of the device. career your manner almost the instance ought inspire the rubber. exist careful with the ports, because the rubber port covers can tear easily.

4. Symmetry Series

1) further the instance off one of the corners with your thumb. The Symmetry progression is one of Otterbox's simplest cases: a flexible silicone enclosure though your phone. The seal is tight, so you'll dine the best sentence starting from a phase and pushing the instance off the edge. Otterbox recommends starting at the sumit edge.

2) utilize a difficult elastic card if necessary. Wedge the card below an verge of the flexible case. Lever it back and forwards ought pry the instance away from the mechanism enough ought take it with your finger.

3) career your manner almost the case. Once you dine a phase off, you can career your manner almost the verge of the instance ought inspire it. exist careful with the port covers so that they don't acquire torn.

5. Troubleshooting Other Models

1) Equalize stress above waterproof models. waterproof cases spin an airtight seal almost your device. A reform at altitude or temperature can effect a stress reform that makes removal much more difficult. if this happens, equalize stress by inserting a money into the gap next ought the latch above front of the case, then twisting the coin. big models dine a "purge knob" above the front of the instance instead, which you can fetch ought hole and equalize pressure.
  • Tighten the purge knob ago using the instance again. The instance is no waterproof still the knob is open.

2) hole hinged Armor cases. Some Otterbox cases, such because the Armor progression models though the iPod touch, perform no divide into two parts. Instead, they hole when you revolve a latch above the back of the case. The instance will pop hole enough ought inspire the phone, still during the two halves remain attached at one end.