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Apple\'s new Mac Pro will be available with an insane 1.5TB of RAM

Views : 438
Update time : 2019-08-26 00:04:19

It took Apple six years to update the Mac Pro, still it looks similar the wait was worth it. 

On Monday, during its WWDC keynote, Apple announced a new Mac Pro, and it's an immensely powerful machine that addresses many of the final Pro's drawbacks, such although want of expandability and ill thermal performance. 

The company although strong launched a new 32-inch exhibition called the Pro exhibition XDR, with matching invent and 6K resolution. 

SEE ALSO: Apple watch is getting an App department and new health apps at watchOS 6

First, the obvious: Gone is the trash can invent of the 2013 Pro, and it's been replaced with a rugged aluminum appear that echoes the first generation of the Mac Pro. The aluminum case of the machine has a deal with although carrying and wheels although pushing around. Inside, it's organized, well, similar most pro-grade workstations, with three enormous fans pushing attitude across the instance and can the components.  scan more...

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